Once you’ve received your estimate, a member of our team will be following up with you to answer any questions and discuss next steps. You may also feel free to respond to the email or give us a call anytime!
The details of a reliably convenient, high quality & stress free experience
Once booked, an Event Coordinator will be assigned to ensure the smooth success of your event and will be available to answer any questions along the way!
An online Invoice will be E-mailed to your point of contact and can be paid using almost all major credit cards. Payment must be completed no less than 3 business days prior to the event date.
The massage station will require a small 5ft x 5ft clear floor space per therapist.
The Massage Therapist(s) will arrive early and be met by your organization’s point of contact as well as follow any specific instructions you may provide ahead of time to best accommodate you.
Relaxing music or ambient sound will be provided unless instructed otherwise to enhance the experience for participants.
The massage participants will enjoy their chair massage fully clothed during their pre-selected time slot which includes turn around time for sanitation between participants.
After service is complete, the Massage Therapist(s) will clean up and leave the provided area as they found it. They will check in with your organization’s point of contact before leaving.
Cancellation or alterations to Invoice Agreements within 5 business days of booked service will be charged a prorate of $55/hour for the exclusive purpose of payment to Therapists. Cancellation or alterations to Invoice Agreements within 48 hours of booked service will not be refunded.